New Book--Social Security Basics!
Social Security is probably the most complex area to understand and navigate for pre-retirees and retirees. Compared with Medicare, it certainly has the most moving parts, nuances, and unique situations, which is saying a lot because Medicare is also quite complex.
Our newest book, Social Security Basics, provides the information you need to make an informed decision about when (at what age) to start collecting Social Security benefits. It's the most asked question—and hardest to answer—about Social Security. We do our best to cover all the angles to provide you with the confidence you need to make this all-important decision. This includes addressing whether you should consider collecting Social Security benefits early, before your full retirement age.
We also cover some specific topics that impact a significant number of people. They include:
- Spousal benefits.
- Survivor benefits.
- People often have questions about Social Security benefits being taxed, so we tackle this topic.
- Another area of interest or possible concern is speculation about the longevity of the Social Security program. How likely is it that the Social Security Trust Fund will run out of money in the next 10 to 20 years? We will identify a number of possible steps congress can take to help preserve the integrity of Social Security for generations to come.
We are confident you will find this information to be both comprehensive and thought provoking as it will provide you with a sound foundation for making key decisions about your personal Social Security benefits.
Here is a brief overview of each chapter:
- Chapter 1: Getting Started covers basic topics such as when you can start collecting Social Security benefits, full retirement age (FRA) and why it’s a key milestone for decisions about Social Security, who qualifies for Social Security, and setting up your “my Social Security” account, and how monthly Social Security benefits are calculated.
- Chapter 2: When to Collect Social Security Benefits explains when you can begin collecting Social Security benefits and explains the results of choosing to collect at different ages. This information is guidance to help you decide when
- Chapter 3: Tax Considerations describes how, when, and why Social Security benefits are taxed.
- Chapter 4: Spousal Benefits explains the benefits spouses and ex-spouses are entitled to. It is important to know what these benefits are and how they apply to you. Spouses can collect Social Security retirement benefits even if they did not pay into Social Security during their lifetime. Divorced spouses may also be eligible for Social Security benefits. You will learn the specific details to determine if this applies to you.
- Chapter 5: Survivor Benefits explains the benefits available to those eligible to receive Social Security benefits from someone who has passed away. Surviving family members are often eligible to receive benefits based on the deceased person's Social Security account. This chapter provides the details needed to know if you are eligible for survivor benefits.
- Chapter 6: The Future of Social Security provides information about the potential changes to Social Security in future years. How safe and secure is the Social Security program for future generations? While that is a hard question to answer with precision, we have many indicators about the future longevity of the program based on past experience as well as projections for future changes and enhancements. This chapter explores the ways in which Social Security can be preserved for your grandchildren and beyond.
- Chapter 7: Special Topics covers important details such as creating an account with Social Security, the tie-in to Medicare, withdrawing your Social Security application, what day of the month benefits are paid, and other topics.
You can grab a copy of this book now at our low introductory price!