This is probably the most asked question when investigating Medicare for yourself or a loved one:
Should I choose original Medicare (Part A and Part B) and then also choose a Medigap plan plus a Part D Prescription Drug plan?
Should I instead choose a Medicare Advantage plan? In this case, we are assuming an Advantage plan that has prescription drug coverage included and may also have other services such as dental, vision, or hearing also bundled.
The best way to increase your knowledge to better equip yourself to make this very important life decision is to take the full Medicare Basics course from Aging Energized. The 8 lessons in this course provide the information you need to make an informed decision that best meets the needs of you and your family.
You will learn this decision is a very personal one. There are potential lifetime benefits or consequences.
This is not just a simple financial decision. There are other factors that weigh heavily into the decision. Take the time, watch the full course to be the best informed you can be to make this all important decision.
You can learn more about our Medicare Basics course on our course overview page.
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